Alphonsus Adu-Bredu

Alphonsus Adu-Bredu is a PhD Candidate in the Robotics Department at University of Michigan. His research focuses on the integration of high-level task planning and low-level motion control of bipedal humanoid robots. His work won the Best Paper Award in Mobile Manipulation at IROS 2021. He is also a recipient of the prestigious Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship award.

Exploring Kinodynamic Fabrics for Fast, Reactive Whole-Body Control of Underactuated Humanoid Robots

For bipedal humanoid robots to successfully operate in the real world, they must be competent at simultaneously executing multiple motion tasks while reacting to unforeseen external disturbances in real-time. The first half of this talk will introduce the Kinodynamic Fabrics framework as a general whole-body control framework for fast, reactive whole-body control of underactuated humanoid robots. In the second half of this talk, we will go through a live-coding tutorial on how to describe prioritized motion tasks in the Kinodynamic Fabrics framework and how to generate motions and execute them on a simulated Digit robot.
